
Specialist Courses

Specialist Courses at the Sports and Tennis Centre

You can book a range of different external specialist courses at Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre.

Martial Arts

  • Contact: Ken Henville
  • Phone Number: 01223 362321 or 07801551689
  • Day: Thursday
  • Time: 19:00 to 20:00
  • Age: 8+
  • Experience level: Beginners to advanced

Perform (Drama)

You can take weekly workshops to build your confidence, concentration and social skills.

  • Free introductory class
  • Call on 0845 400 4024

External Clubs & Classes

  • Organised by: Cambridge City Korfball

Pilates & Yoga

  • Contact: Nicki O’Clarey
  • Phone Number: 07941620186

Fitness Classes & Sports Massage

  • Contact: Paul Risdon
  • Organised by: CAN-B-FIT
  • Phone Number: 07568592995

An intensive group training program built to get results in the quickest way possible burning 100’s of calories, improving strength, fitness and muscle definition.

  • Day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Time: 6:45AM to 7:30AM

Book your gym session today!

Book your session

Some useful links

We work with and recommend a wide range of external class, club and party organisers. Below are useful links so you can contact these providers.

  • Contact: Paul Risdon
  • Phone Number: 07568 592995
  • Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Time: 6:45AM to 7:30AM